Page 4 - Lustgarten Presentation_Leviathan
P. 4

  As written in scripture, Leviathan was one of the three primordial creatures to rule the Earth, sent to show God's supreme power. The Behemoth was said to rule the land, the Ziz ruled the skies, and the Leviathan ruled the seas. God parallels the Leviathan and an untamed horse, asserting the impossibility of bridling such a beast. As a whaler who has seen more of the ocean than most men in a lifetime, I believe it when I’m told Leviathan to be the most powerful and erratic of the three, as the depths below us are vastly misunderstood and, therefore, surely the most treacherous part of our planet.
At the beginning of creation, it was said that God made two Leviathans – one male and one female. However, due to their immense power, it was deemed necessary that one would have to be killed to prevent procreating, which could lead to complete domination of the Earth. When God came down to kill the female dragon-like creature, there was a great struggle because of her overwhelming strength and destructive nature. Though God succeeded, leaving the male Leviathan resentful because he had lost his companion.

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