Page 5 - Lustgarten Presentation_Leviathan
P. 5

  Legend says Leviathan is the most feared of the three primordial beings because of his fury and brute strength. Captain Dorsey says this creature was hundreds of miles long and adorned with scales of armor, making it impossible for man to kill or even fully comprehend. At immediate glance, he thought it to be a giant whale but quickly realized that its iridescence, which broke through the bubbling surface, extended farther than any known creature. The captain also told me he was confident the monster had multiple heads, but this is where the rum may have tainted the tale.
Captain Dorsey stalled the boat and sat for three days without sleep until he was certain there was no sight left of Leviathan. His eyes strained from fearful focus on the ripples and waves. He wrote in his journal that he was overcome with gratitude to live to tell the tale to those on land: “I am fortunate to have seen just the mere glimmer of its skin and would have succumbed to the fiery breath it would have thrown at our ship had his head emerged from below,” he scribbled, nearly illegibly.

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