Page 18 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023
P. 18

Expenditure for the year assumes a limited number of face to face meetings and allows for at-
         tendance at the BPW International Presidents’ meeting for our President. The Marketing & Me-
         dia budget includes the annual Zoom subscription, funding for the launch of the new BPW UK
         website, advertising, creating new member packs and other promotional material. The Mem-
         bership budget includes funding for complimentary memberships & funds towards the National
         Young People’s Public Speaking Competition. There is also budget for a YBPW recruitment
         event and a Members’ Day as well as the June O’Dell and International Awards.

         My thanks to Alexander Bell of Studholme-Bell for agreeing to examine the 2022 accounts. ▪

         Sue Holtom

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