Page 14 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023
P. 14
I was seconded onto the FEC at the end of August so it was a fairly steep learning curve follow-
ing in the footsteps of Elizabeth Jowett.
Since then we have had four Advocacy Working Group meetings following which, after appeals
to area leads and members of our Working Group, we have two very relevant motions for our
first 'live' conference in a while.
I have attended several Zoom meetings on advocacy, human-rights, gender equality and made
contacts with like-minded groups, MPs and Ministers.
There is general concern that at the moment, due to financial pressures and international un-
rest, women's rights and gender equality will be put on the back burner not only here but in-
ternationally. There is a worrying increase in misogyny manifesting on social media and in-
creasing violence against women both domestically and on our streets.
The passing of the Gender Recognition Bill in Scotland could also pose a dilemma in the future
as, regardless of how we feel about transitioning, some women will feel they could lose their
'safe places.’
We are looking to update our mandate and continue to lobby at all levels of our organisation
which will hopefully be easier as we meet again face to face. ▪
Chris Nendick
Vice President Advocacy
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