Page 15 - CFBPW - Conference BURBANK 2024 - B of D Meeting and 64 PP Conference - DRAFT 2
P. 15
Sierra Mar District
The October 28 Fall Conference was the responsibility of the El Monte Club. The focus
of the conference was on domestic violence.
Kim Plater and Alice Slaughter, co-founders of DVAC, Domestic Violence Action Coali-
tion, spoke about their reason for founding DVAC and about the work of the group’s
member coalition. The afternoon speaker was Nancy Krueger, Certified Health & Well-
ness Coach. Also as part of the afternoon program, El Monte President Mavis Hansen,
presented a Certificate to El Monte member Esthela Torres de Siegrist honoring her for
the work she does in their community schools on behalf of students with disabilities.
Past CFBPW President Lynn Brandstater was our state representative.
In November I had the pleasure of attending the Hollywood BPW Club’s annual
Susan B. Anthony Awards Luncheon. This year it was held at the historic Hollywood
Women’s Club newly renovated clubhouse. The very deserving honoree was Past State
President Lynn Brandstater.
Even though Sierra Mar District did not have a district Christmas party, the El
Monte Club and the East Los Angele/Montebello Club held parties. Because the El Mon-
te Club party was held at lunch time, I was able to attend. I can truthfully say that a
good time was had by all.
As District President and even when I do not hold a district office, I enjoy visit-
ing the clubs in Sierra Mar as well as other districts. I always try to attend various
meetings by zoom as well when I have the opportunity. It is a wonderful way to learn
more about the awesome members of our organization.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year.
Sally McMahon,
President Sierra Mar District