Page 17 - CFBPW - Conference BURBANK 2024 - B of D Meeting and 64 PP Conference - DRAFT 2
P. 17


         Membership Matters:  Our Club has enjoyed vital growth, with a membership of approximately
         twenty (20) members.  We are enjoying the benefits of stability.  We thank Manjul Batra for her
         tireless commitment to membership.  Our membership includes established, renewed, and new
         members.  We have a diversity of many businesses and professions.  We experience the shared
         interests of promoting the mission of our Federation.

         We also added to our membership the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce.  This is a good resource
         for promoting and marketing our Club. Mixers Events are one of the main tools of sharing.

         Program Development:  We provide programs and activities that are relevant to our theme
         "Advocacy in Action".  Our programs are related to specific topics of interest.  We also attempt to
         have programs that relate to monthly themes.  We have engaged in presentations relating to Small
         Business (Betty Allums); Spiritual Intelligence (Elisabeth Carrio).  Our Mental Health presentation is
         being rescheduled.  For January, our speaker will be Cynthia Peterson, Executive Director of Com-
         munity Solutions, Contra Costa County.  The focus will be elements of Sexual Abuse. January is
         Sexual Awareness-Harassment Month.

         Coming Events:  February: Black History Month.  We will continue to share the knowledge and
         legacy of the culture, through over four hundred years of struggles, and successes.  March: Wom-
         en's History Month, pending.
         We are currently asking members to provide ideas for presentations.  They are encouraged to
         utilize their personal experience, or other resources.

         Learning:  Our Club encourages our members to join in other benefits of BPW, such as webinars,
         workshops and conferences.  Our conferences serves as a conduit  between clubs, and dis-
         tricts.  Reports of compiled information are shared where ideas are exchanged, and recommenda-
         tions are made.  This is an excellent benefit of an  educational learning tool.  Members are encour-
         aged to share this information with intent to make a powerful difference in the communities served.

         Public Policy:  This is an excellent learning benefit.  We learn about specific details of pertinent
         legislative issues. We follow the process by monitoring the status, through methods of  assembly
         or senate actions.  BPW continues to keep the District informed about actions to be taken.

         The Berkeley Club with its Membership Matters of vital growth, Program Development, and Learn-
         ing, we are  listening and having fun.

         Patricia A. Daniels, President Berkeley Club

                                                                              Erratum -  Since the receipt of this report,
                                                                              we were informed that the January event did
                                                                              not take place.
                                                                              M. Lee, Editor.
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