Page 9 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 112 - May 2023 - Binded
P. 9
The reason for me to enter this world of men is the lesson I learned from
BPW International after serving as an Executive Member for three years as
Young International Representative.
While I was advocating for
I also advocated for
and I had in my mind that after I am done with my term, I would make sure to
run for the board with men and inspire and encourage other women to run for
boards and make sure women representations are seen in the board rooms as
I believe that each time a woman stands up for herself she stands up for all
the women no matter how uncomfortable it can be at times. As a girl from a
convent school who believed I can be whoever I want to be, to the world where
we only have few women role models to look up to for inspiration has not been
an easy process. I believe as BPW members we need to help each other to be
better versions of ourselves so that we can have more women ready to fight for
equality because the rate at which gender inequality is increasing and we will not
be able to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 by 2030.
Neelima Basnet
BPW Member