Page 50 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 124 - September 2024 - COMPLETED
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International Meeting
Scent of Women Award SWA
March, 27-30, 2025
Lectures* *Workshops * Exhibitions * Business Network * Gastronomy * Art
Workshops * *Fashion Show* Authors' Autograph Night* Innovation* *Social
Leadership* *Visual Arts* Orchestra* *Theatre* *Dance**Gala Night*
Second Edition of
Scent of a Women Award
What: A meeting of people interested in self-development and social development,
networking for desired and dreamed of international partnerships, results of scientific
research for the benefit of women and a way of consistency for society in general,
essential content for health, education, economy, human resources, elegance, beauty,
justice, security, NGO leadership, and arts (visual arts, dramatic and Music).
When: March 27-30, 2025
Where: St Bride’s Foundation (lectures and Workshops /Art exhibitions) and Inner
Temple Hall (Gala Dinner and delivery of Awards)
Who: Governmental and Non-Governmental Authorities, Musicians, Scientists, Teachers,
Business Administrators, Doctors, Teachers, Authors, Artists, Lawyers, and the General
Public interested in issues that involve all women in today's society
Why: Because the essence of the woman, wherever she participates, brings delicacy,
beauty, hospitality, understanding, compassion and love.
Let’s talk about a woman’s essence: her qualities, her needs, her rights, her role in
society side by side with men, everyone for a world of Peace
There are challenges, there are achievements, but it is necessary to exchange ideas,
learn, understand, implement them. You could help!
There was great success in the partnership between BPW São Paulo (Business
Professional Women [NGO] and Rotary de São Paulo Butantã [NGO] and
Entrebrasucas UK [a Brazilian international enterprise]) in the event held in March
of this year 2024, in São Paulo-Brazil.
Many BPWSP members participate in their lectures, for example Dr. Nise H.
Yamaguchi, PhD ( Physician), Sueli Tonargue (gerontologist), Tatiana Rades (
Psychologist), Célia Rizzante (writer and BPWSP President) and Rose Godoy (a lawyer
and BPW SP President).
Because of this, the organizing committee, and the partner entities, decided to make the
second edition of Scent of Women Award in London-UK, from March 27 up to 30 ,
2025, at St Bride's Foundation and Inner Temple Hall.
Your participation is very important: