Page 26 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -
P. 26

Let’s keep our Federation moving forward.

                                              Succession Planning -2023
                                                         A worksheet

         Succession planning is a process and strategy for replacement planning or passing on leader-
         ship roles. It is used to identify and develop potential leaders who can move into
         leadership roles when they become vacant.

         Effective succession, or talent-pool management, concerns itself with building a series of feeder groups up and
         down the entire leadership pipeline or progression.  BPW has the structure for this line of development.  It
         starts with the Clubs, moves through the Districts and progresses to the
         California Federation and beyond.

         Use this worksheet to recognize them, to determine what experiences can be provided for that development
         and how current leadership can provide support.
         Three clear objectives are critical to establishing effective succession planning.

         1.  Identify those in your Club and District with the potential to assume greater responsibility in the or-

         2.  Provide critical development experiences to those who can move into key roles

         3.  Engage the leadership in supporting the development of high-potential leaders
         Committee:  Barbara J Davis, Rosemary Enzer, Sandy Thompson, Katherine Winans, Bessie Hironimus-ex officio.
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