Page 22 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -
P. 22

Valley Sunset District

                   Valley Sunset District carried out their theme:

                   Communicate: Professionally - Enthusiasm - Pride.

                   The district took pride in their outstanding  Women of Achievement, excellent
         speakers and informative meetings.  We supported various projects that supported the
         community .

                   Each of the clubs chaired one of the scheduled meeting’s and individually shared
         their own special touches

                   Our two year term of office has ended and we welcome Rosemary Enzer as our
         District’s  new president.

                   This officer thanks our officers and members for their fantastic support and in-
         put! For our State annual conference, I will be still serving as Valley Sunset District’s
         President and look forward to recognizing a VSD member as being an exceptional mem-
         ber who has done so much for BPW from the club level to International!

         It is always a pleasure to be a proud member of BPW!

         Marjory Hopper
         Valley Sunset District

         Valley Sunset District
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