Page 4 - BPWUK - E-news - Edition 106 - October 2022
P. 4
Dear Members,
It is with great sadness I bring you the news that Past International Presi-
dent Dr Pat Harrison has passed away.
Past International President Dr Pat Harrison 1999 -2002 (BPW Australia),
Dr Narudee Kiengsiri Regional Pacific area co-ordinator (BPW Thailand),
Past International President 1996 -1999 and BPW UK PNP Sylvia Perry.
Photo taken at the European Conference in Galwey May 2019.
BPW UK President Jo Kinsey and PIP Dr Pat Harrison,
taken at the BPW Asia Pacific Conference in Bangkok October 2018.
I have been fortunate enough to meet PIP Dr Pat Harrison on a couple of oc-
casions, but each time she has left an impression on me. To many around the globe
and not just in her native Australia Pat was a mentor, and within BPW International
we have many women who have gained greatly from this, in skills and confidence.
Dr Harrison died peacefully whilst on holiday with her daughter, and we send
her family sincere condolences at this sad time.
As we hear the news this morning, 13 October 2022) it is too soon but to do
more than just to let you know. However, after I write to BPW Australia President
Jacqueline Graham to express our sorrow at this loss, I will ask Sylvia Perry and
Janice Bancroft to write about Pat’s life and some of the work her legacy has left for
us all within BPW around the globe.
We may have lost Dr Harrison today, but as we stand on the shoulders of the
giants before us, may we continue her legacy in everything we do.
Kind wishes,
BPW UK President Jo Kinsey