P. 32
68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) |11-22 March 2024
| United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York what an exciting place to visit especially when you get to see your BPW
Sisters from all over the world.
There were three of us from California who attended, Sondra Nunez from Downtown Sacramen-
to and Alia Ismail and myself from Burbank.
A huge thank you to our Canadian BPW Sisters for allowing me to be a part of their delegation
to the United Nations for the Commission on the Status of Women. It was certainly a busy and
exciting week.
I had the privilege to attend several Parallel and Side events. The side events were held inside
the United Nations and parallel events in various venues outside the UN. I also attended virtual-
ly a Town Hall meeting with the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. He is from Portugal.
We had a wonderful turnout. Emily Van
Vleck, National Young BPW, did an out-
standing job in introducing the subject
and guiding the panel. Hopefully you will
I be able to attend. It will be available on
I our website soon.
I also attended an event put on by the
International BPW Young BPWs. The title
I attended our Parallel Event on One of the speakers
Global Collaboration to Tackle of their event was ‘The Role of Entrepre- was our own
Period Poverty which was co- neurs/Professional in Addressing Poverty Djenabou Bah who
sponsored with our Canadian and Empowering Women’. has started her own
BPW Sisters. Travel Agency.
I also attended a virtual meeting concern- Besides these three I
ing CEDAW. It was interesting as the attended several oth-
speakers were all from California. San Die- ers which were most
go County recently passed a CEDAW Reso- informative. I en-
lution. These ladies are willing to work with courage you all to at-
anyone who would like to see CEDAW in tend either in person
their city or county. They have a lot of in- or virtually next year.
formation and forms, letters, etc. available There are two weeks
for use by anyone. They also have many of many wonderful
tips on how to move forward with this initi- events. All of the
ative. If anyone is interested, please con- A great venue! online events are
tact me and I can give you some contact free. It is a great ex-
information for them. Sandra Thompson perience.