Page 18 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I and II
P. 18

Wednesday Talks

           Aviation & You. Presenters: Kyana Bubb and Dennis McCall. Date: December 2021

           The State of Abortion and Legislation in NI. Presenter: Naomi Connor. Date: April 2022

           (UNESCO NGO Liaison Committee) Position Paper on Youth. Presenter: Ayushi Kundu. Date:
            June 2022

         Under Consideration:

           Gabrielle Canavan of Wonder Foundation. Tentative Date: September 2022

           Chloë Clover, Forbes 30 Under 30 Honouree Europe 2021. Tentative Date: July 2022

                   Welcomed 5 new members under age 35. These young ladies are eager to play their
         part and contribute to BPW UK.

                                 International Women’s Day

                                          Worked with Tomi Odunsi Fadina, Young BPW International repre-
                                sentative, to engage with young women within BPW who were breaking
                                the  bias  in  their  respective  professions.  Videos  of  their  stories  were
                                posted for International Women’s Day.

                   Additionally,  for  BPW  UK,  produced  a  number  of  visuals  that
         could be posted to social media. Our collage of BPW UK women doing
         the #BreakTheBias hands was featured in the BPW Europe newsletter.

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