Page 19 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I and II
P. 19
Members Welcome Pack
Working with Kate Fraser-Smith to produce a document that can be shared with new
members of BPW UK. This document will give them basic information on BPW. The intention is
that this document would be held in mainly digital format with a condensed version available
for print if necessary. The document would also supplement the BPW UK website.
Mentorship Programme
A few members of Young BPW UK met with Karin Gorgerat, President BPW Canada, to
discuss the programmes that had been put on in Canada. With this information, we will begin
more serious discussions on a plan of action from the next Young BPW UK meeting.
Europe Conference
VP Yasmin will be attending the conference in May
along with other members of BPW UK. She won an award
from BPW Europe for the registration fee and is also being
sponsored by BPW UK to meet flight and accommodation
costs. Yasmin hopes to be able to connect with others at
the Young Symposium to open collaboration and network-
ing opportunities for Young BPW UK.■
L. Yasmin Knight
Vice President Young BPWUK
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