P. 35

California Federation of Business and Professional Women

                                            Proposed Bylaw Amendments
                                                      May 18, 2024

         1.      ARTICLE VII  -  DUES, Section 1

                                                                                        WOULD READ IF
                CURRENTLY READS                PROPOSED AMENDMENT
                                                                                      PROPOSED PASSED

         Dues are payable upon acceptance     Strike  “on May 1”
                                                                                 Dues are payable upon acceptance
         of membership and renewable annu-    Insert    “by May 31               of membership and renewable an-
         ally on May 1.  Dues are delinquent                                     nually by May 31.  Dues are delin-
         on June 1 and membership shall be    Strike  “June”
                                                                                 quent on July 1 and membership

         forfeited if dues are not paid by July  Insert  “July1”                 shall be forfeited if dues are not
         1.  Members joining after December                                      paid by August 1.  Members join-
                                                                                 ing after December 31st will pay
         31st will pay one half of the current   Strike  “July”
         annual dues.                         Insert  “August”                   one half of the current annual dues.

         Rationale:  The fiscal year is June 1 through May 31 and this change would help align the dues income with the correct
         fiscal year. Club members will still be required to pay their dues in the month of  May but the club treasurers will have
         the month of June to do the submission to CFBPW. Members- at-Large would pay their dues in  the month of June.

          Submitted by:
          Members-at-Large, Anne Marie Johnson
          Rosemary Enzer, Lynn Brandstater

         2.      ARTICLE VII  -  DUES, Section 3, A

         Dues for members shall be:
               A. Member or Member-at-Large.                                    Dues for members:
         Annual CFBPW dues for members or   Strike:  “shall be”   and
         members-at-large shall be Thirty-five Dol-  “Member or Member-at-Large”          A. Annual CFBPW dues for members
         lars ($35.00); CFBPW dues shall include                                affiliated with a club and members-at-large
         a subscription to the official CFBPW                                   shall be Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00); plus
         publication, California Woman; plus       Strike:  “CFBPW dues shall include a sub-  National Federation of Business and Profes-
         National Federation of Business and        scription to the official CFBPW publication,  sional Women’s Clubs (NFBPWC) dues
         Professional Women’s Clubs (NFBPWC)   California Woman;”               plus BPW International (BPW/I) dues.
         dues plus BPW International (BPW/I)

         Rationale: Both members are unnecessary and make the bylaw confusing.
         This is no longer a printed publication and it is available on the Website for anyone who signs up to receive it.  Adds clarity
         to this section.

         Submitted by:
         Members-at-Large, Anne Marie Johnson
         Rosemary Enzer, Lynn Brandstater
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