Page 11 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 108 - January 2023 BINDED_Neat
P. 11
As we are getting back to normal and having our first 'live' BPW UK
national conference for a few years the importance of our working groups
in delivering our mandate, raising our profile and individual lobbying be-
comes increasingly relevant.
We can network virtually and regionally through the group leaders,
but individual members of these Special Interest Groups will hopefully do
further research and take up any concerns with their local MPs and other
interested parties.
If anyone needs a copy of our up-to-date mandate, I or HQ would be
happy to supply it.
Happy networking!
Chris Nendick
BPW UK VP Advocacy
Please sign up to receive local updates with Councillors via the council
web pages and our local Members of Parliament. This way we can act
when we see an issue, personally or within the BPW UK Advocacy Working
Find my MP is a great place to start
Jo Kinsey
President BPW UK