Page 16 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 108 - January 2023 BINDED_Neat
P. 16
From: Géraldine CREVAT
Date: 14 January 2023 at 06:17:59 GMT-4
Subject: Next INTERCONTINENTAL Meeting
Dear BPW friend,
Our next INTERCONTINENTAL Meeting is schedule on
Wednesday January 25th. 6:00pm UK
I am delighted to welcome Zinhle P. NGIBA - BPW DURBAN South Africa - who
will present the characteristics of her country and her culture. She also will share her con-
cerns regarding women’s way of life in South Africa.
As usual, please Register by return mail - You will receive a confirmation email.
Nota Bene: This BPW group “INTERCONTINENTAL Online Meetings” was created in 2012 in order to gather BPW members and share cross-
cultural ideas. This platform is exclusively reserved for BPW Members. Since almost 10 years, we are using skype and propose a protocol for regis-
tration (data and agreement) in order to secure the connection. This allows me to edit a shared document for each meeting with the name of the par-
ticipants. As BPW president, you can forward this information to your BPW members. Please don’t forward this mail on FACEBOOK or TWIT-
TER but only on private mail addresses. For a first participation, see below*. Thanks for understanding. Géraldine
*For a first participation, please send to :
1- a photo in order to introduce you to the others through a photo album - low resolution - not more
than 20ko. Thank you for your understanding.
2- information with the following: name: / countries: / BPW club: / e-mail: :
These personal data will (only) be shared with the other attendees in order to make our meeting and
debate easier.
3- And through a separate mail, please send your agreement to ,
according to the EU regulation on Protection of personal Data - (GDPR 2016/679/EU)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) relates to the processing of personal data. This EU regulation is
aimed at protecting people’s personal data and electronic privacy.
Do you consent the processing of your personal data, according to the New Regulation on Protection of Personal
Data (GDPR 2016/679/EU), in particular first name , family name, job, pictures, email address, skype address
and eventual CV in date for the internal photoalbum of BPW INTERCONTINENTAL Online Meetings ?
Warm regards
Géraldine CREVAT
Chair BPW International "INTERCONTINENTAL Mobility" Task Force (2021-2024)
Leader BPW “INTERCONTINENTAL online Meetings” Pilot Project
Leader BPW “International Mobility” Pilot Project
Considering that this particular meet-
ing is taking place just one hour before
our own CSW Commission on
the Status of Women meeting,
———————————————— it may not be the best day to attend it.
Business Professional Women It should not prevent you, however,
Professional gender equality from registering for many other future
Consultative status with the U.N. since 1947 INTERCONTINENTAL meetings!