Page 9 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -
P. 9

          A quorum of the Annual Conference shall be a majority of members and student members
              registered for the conference.  (Bylaws Article XVIII, Quorum, Section 3)
          Members are requested to refrain from talking during the meetings.  Notes to others at the
              meeting will be done via the Chat Room or the Page.  Notes for the presiding officer will be
              delivered to the Parliamentarian.

          Unless requested by the speaker, members are requested to refrain from comments or ques-
              tions until the announced Q&A period.

          No member shall have more than one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed at any
              meeting of CFBPW.  (Bylaws Article XVII, Meetings, Section 1)

          III.  MOTIONS

          When a member of the voting body wishes to speak, whether to offer a motion or for discus-
              sion, the member shall raise hand by using the Raise Hand Tool those on the phone can
              use *9 to raise their hand, or stand if in person, wait to be recognized by the chair, then
              shall give their name and title before proposing a motion or speaking from the floor.
          All motions, except those on matters of procedure, shall be in writing.

         IV.  DEBATE
          Each topic will be limited to 15 minutes, unless voted to extend by the voting body. (RONR)

          No person shall speak more than twice on the same question and no longer than two (2)
              minutes, with the consent of the voting body. (RONR)

          A timekeeper will signal the presiding officer when the allotted time has expired.

          The presiding officer will call for discussion alternating between the affirmative and the nega-
              tive and may request members to state whether speaking in the affirmative or negative.

         V.  NEW BUSINESS
         All new business of an emergency nature that arises after the opening of the Conference
         must be presented to the Secretary by 1:00 PM on Friday, May 13, 2022.

         VI.  ELECTIONS
         Registration reports will be given as of 12:30 PM Friday, May 13, 2021.  Any other reports will
         be at the call of the President.


         Cell phones and all other electronic devices will be turned off (or on vibrate or mute) during the

         Sandy Thompson
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