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Valley Sunset District’s theme for 2023-2024 is Meeting the Challenge through Advocacy
and Leadership and, indeed, our members have strived to do that. Although our membership
is not large, we are active and involved.
Our advocacy efforts have been led by our members who serve on the CFBPW Public Policy
Team: Elaine Aftergut, Shaaron Casey and Rosemary Enzer. In addition to our service at the
state level, our clubs and our district participated in the process of reviewing the CFBPW Public
Policy Statement and making recommendations for changes/additions.
Our Winter Conference, hosted by our Members-at-Large, also included a focus on the March
primary election. Our guest speaker Susan Schwartz, is a member of the Los Angeles County
Bar Association’s Judicial Evaluation Committee, which evaluates and rates all candidates for
judicial office.
Continuing with our advocacy theme, the guest speaker at our Annual Conference is Katie
Duberg, Political Organizing Director for the California Work and Family Coalition.
Leadership and involvement are highly valued by Valley Sunset District with members partici-
pating at the state, national and international levels. Two members, Anne Marie Johnson and
Sandy Thompson, serve as members of the CFBPW Executive Committee; Lynn Brandstater is
the Nominations Chair and three members are Standing Chairs. VSD members also participate
in committees and activities at the National level and member Sandy Thompson attended the
CSW meeting in New York. Jackie Melvin was a member of the BPW International Arts and
Culture Committee.
The three clubs, along with our members-at-large, have each hosted a conference or event this
year. The Burbank Club, meeting primarily via Zoom, has had interesting speakers on a varie-
ty of topics. Conejo Valley meets monthly, and this year has held meetings at several different
locations. Their meetings have featured some of their own members, as well as members of
the community.
Hollywood BPW has mainly been on hiatus, due to President Marjory Hopper’s health issues.
However, the club was back at one of their former meeting locations, the historic Hollywood
Women’s Club, for their Annual Susan B. Anthony Award. This year’s honoree was Past State
President Lynn Brandstater.
Nine new members have joined Valley Sunset District this year. However, our membership has
decreased. This is a topic of discussion and planning for the coming year, as we continue to
Meet the Challenge.
Rosemary Enzer, President
Valley Sunset District