Page 10 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 102 - May 2022
P. 10


                                      It was our pleasure to host Sara Britcliffe, MP on Wednesday 11
                                      May as our speaker for the ‘Wednesday Talk’ series.

                                      BPW UK has no affiliation with any political party but from time to
                                      time may invite a representative (s) of any political party (s) to dis-
                                      cuss issues affecting women and, in particular, how we can encour-
                                      age more women to enter public life and politics in order to obtain a
                                      fairer representation of the electorate.

                                      Sara  was  elected  MP  of  Hyndburn  and  Haslingden  in  Decem-
         ber 2019 and spoke about her route to Westminster via local politics.  She also spoke of how
         daunting it was for a first time MP, once elected, to have to come to London and set up offices
         in Westminster and back home in order to service the constituency that elected him or her.
         A number of questions were posed to Sara and an outline of those and her responses follow:

         Question from Ruth Galwey
         In BPW UK we are shocked with the reports of misogyny coming out of Westminster at the mi-
         nute. As a young woman working in that environment, how do you cope with this? What do
         you think should be done to change the prevailing attitude of male MPs that their view is al-
         ways the right one!
         Sara’s response confirms that she has not personally been impacted by sexism or misogyny
         within the environment but recognises that there may be some ‘bad apples’ who may hold
         outdated ideas and that when experienced should be called out and the perpetrator held to ac-
         count. The majority of issues and comments such as ‘little girl’, a ‘cut & paste MP’ are received
         via social media from members of the public.

         Question from Jo Kinsey
         I am aware that the Palace of Westminster has an on-site nursery and creche for employees.
         If school holiday clubs and after-school creches replaced the bar culture, would we see more
         young professional women becoming MPs?
         We must not assume that all women need is a creche as living between two homes can also
         put off women from being an MP. Only by addressing the bigger issues will true 50/50 parity
         be achieved. After all, it is not just women who have childcare responsibilities!

         Sara does not have children but recognizes that it is a challenging situation for all parents par-
         ticularly as having to work between two homes can be stressful.

         Jo then asked more about the bars and social drinking.  Sara explained that the environment
         and working hours are challenging and that they will go to the bar for food as well as a drink.
         Often, she carries on working after dinner, especially if they have a late vote.   She feels that
         a ban on alcohol would be counterproductive.

         Question from Liz Jowett
         Do you support misogyny being made a hate crime?

         Sara’s response mentioned that the view from several agencies labelling sex and gender abuse
         to a hate crime may actually hinder abuse, rape and domestic violence prosecutions. The dis-
         cussions with the Police and other organisations have led to this being shelved this for now.
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