Page 12 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 102 - May 2022
P. 12
Tuulikki Juusela
On May 6 we received the sad news of the passing of Tuulikki, Juusela,
aged 81 after a short illness. Tuulikki was the 14 BPW International President
serving from 1985 – 1989.
I have such lovely memories of this vital and energetic woman, sharing
great experiences and particularly the two conferences she chaired. The first
was in The Hague in 1987 - “Women – the Vital Force” and then in 1989, in the
Bahamas - “Women - the Spirit of Enterprise” – how well those conference
titles fitted this active and inspiring woman.
In all the years since, Tuulikki has worked tirelessly not only in Finland,
her home country, but also internationally to help women get ahead through
mentoring and training programmes and being available whenever they needed
support and advice.
Sylvia G Perry, Past BPW International President