Page 17 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 102 - May 2022
P. 17


                           The BPW UK Annual General Meeting will be held on

                                          Wednesday 22  June at 7pm.

         Please make every effort to attend as this is an important event in the BPW calendar of
         events and will affect how BPW UK is run and managed moving forward.

                                  Formal papers will be published in due course.

                                       Please register via the Eventbrite Link

                    If you have difficulty registering then please contact Jackie by email:

                One Young World Summit in 2022.  Manchester Host City 5th to 8th September


                                    Stay vigilant over the holidays!

         E-newsWe hope that you will be able to send us articles, information, and links that you feel everyone would be interested in knowing
         about. Please also keep us in touch with your own events. We would like to celebrate your area and endeavours.  We are hoping to send
         out the bulletin at least fortnightly so please send any articles to

         GDPR 2018
         You receive this E-news as part of your membership of BPW UK. If you no longer wish to receive, please contact

         Disclaimer     The information in this e-news is, as far as we can ascertain, accurate at the time of publishing.
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