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Downtown Sacramento BPW
ual Report – 2023-2024
This club president is privileged to report on a successful 2023-24 BPW year.
We have met monthly with program topics ranging from NFBPWC’s Military Affiliated
Women to a Sacramento Mayoral candidate. We explored what is Women’s Equity
Today, facilitated by Barbara J Davis. We are working with our Twin Club, St. Andrew-
Jamaica and have shared two programs: Looking at cultural differences & similarities
in Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse and we will be working with them on a Blog –
Thank you Sher Singh.
We experimented with evening and weekend meetings but were unsuccessful in getting
better attendance and our finances are holding steady. – Thank you Janet Ramsey.
Past Membership Chair Sher continues to network in the Sacramento community to
share the benefits of BPW membership. Thank you Sher. She and I have met with
the Sacramento nonprofit Health Education Council regarding their meeting facilities for
when we can begin meeting in person. BPW California North will be there for its Annual
Meeting April 20. Current Membership Chair Bessie will be updating the New Member
Welcome Packet. Thank you Bessie.
Downtown Sacramento BPW is honored to have member Elaine Sierra serving on the
CFBPW Public Policy team, as the BPW California North Public Polity Chair as well as
the CFBPW Bill Screening Committee. And with her encouragement CFBPW joined the
California Work and Family Coalition.
The Club is developing a matching Scholarship program for reentry women into trade
schools. We expect to be partnering with Health Education Council and other local
non-profits serving this group.
Our members are serving at all levels of BPW – Bessie Hironimus is the Regional
Constitutional Advisor for North America and the Caribbean and Treasurer of Project-
5O. Sher Singh is Chair of International’s Arts, Culture and Peace Committee and
Chairs the National Federation’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Commit-
tee as well as serving as District Treasurer. Sondra Nunes is the National Federations
Secretary. Jane Taff chairs the NFBPWC Lifelong Learning & Leadership Committee.
In addition to serving and Club President this officer serves as CFBPW Secretary,
Meetings Coordinator and Member Records.