Page 18 - BPW-UK -E-news - Edition 107 - November 2022 - BINDED
P. 18
Poles are helping refugees from Ukraine!
Since 24th of February 2022 more than 3.5 million Ukrainians - mostly women with children
crossed the Polish border.
Russian invasion in Ukraine forced many of them to flee from the war!
Long line ups of women with small children during cold days and nights were waiting many hours
to cross the Polish border. Most of them had no idea where they were going, what will be their des-
tination. They left all they had behind - all the belongings, houses, apartments, families, pets,
etc. All they had with them was a bag, small suitcase they manage to grab at the last moment.
Ukrainian refugees, including A school gym, Hala Sportowa,
Valeria and her son Misha, Lubycza Królewska, serves as tem-
cross the border into Poland porary housing for refugees in the
near the town of Hrebenne. Polish border town, Hrebenne.
I have to say that Polish people reacted to this unexpected situation immediately. The Polish nation
became completely united in helping people from Ukraine. It looked like everybody was involved in
that action.
Private persons were driving hundreds of kilometres to the Ukrainian border to pick up somebody
(completely unknown people) to take them to their houses. Food was served everywhere for hun-
gry people. Collection of winter clothes, beddings, sanitary items, food, etc. - was executed every-
Private truck companies were offering free deliveries of all items necessary to be delivered across
Poland and other places.
Firstly, the Polish nation got engaged in that help. The Government’s help came at much later
Ukrainians in Poland have now full right to stay and work, getting their ID and NHS Number, which
make them eligible for any medical care.
At the beginning nobody knew how long this war will last. Unfortunately, it is now more than 8
months since this tragedy started. Many refugees from Ukraine left Poland for other countries.