Page 31 - DRAFT PACKAGE - Burbank 23-24 February 2024_Neat
P. 31

Committee members shall notify the committee chair of their decision to endorse or not endorse within ten
             (10) days of receipt of a copy of the application for endorsement.

          The Chair will advise the Legislation Advocacy Chair of the Committee’s recommendation.  Upon receipt of
             the recommendation, it will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for ratification of endorsement.

          This committee will not recommend endorsement of any candidate running against an incumbent with a
             good record of support for BPW issues as stated in the Public Policy Statement.

          Candidates for Constitutional Office (Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, etc.) shall follow all of the pro-

             cedures outlined for legislative offices.  However, only the recommendation of the Candidate Endorse-
             ment Committee is necessary for a recommendation to the Executive Committee.

          Candidates will be notified of the official endorsement by letter from the CFBPW President.  Endorsements
             shall be posted on the CFBPW Web Site and notification distributed to the membership.
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