Page 29 - DRAFT PACKAGE - Burbank 23-24 February 2024_Neat
P. 29


             Only ballot initiatives that relate to the Federation Public Policy Statement will be presented to screening.

            The Public Policy Chair will review the ballot initiatives as published by the State of California and submit
                the initiatives to the Public Policy Committee and the Bill Screening Committee for review.
            The Committee will use the same screening procedures as all bill screening.

            The Public Policy Chair will poll the Committee members and record their votes.

            The Public Policy Chair will notify the Executive Committee of the results of the screening as soon as it is
                completed.  The President will poll the Executive Committee on the Committee’s recommendation.
            The Executive Committee may recommend support of the ballot measure, opposition or no position.

            Following approval from the Executive Committee, the Public Policy Chair will notify members of the
                Board of Directors to assist in the distribution of the Federation’s position to all members.


                                            CFBPW DISTRICTS AND CLUBS

         These guidelines are based on the fact that CFBPW is a nonpartisan organization.  The following information
         is not currently in the bylaws or policies and procedures; however, it has been our practice since the establish-
         ment of this organization.

         Programming For Speakers And/Or Candidate Nights

            In inviting a candidate for any office, always invite all the candidates for that particular office unless the
                candidate has received an official endorsement from CFBPW.

            Programming involving the issues on our Public Policy Statemen must be handled carefully.  The items on
                the CFBPW Public Policy Statement have received the approval of our membership. Therefore, do not
                invite a speaker with views in opposition to our position on these issues.

         Contacting Legislators On Issues
            Remember that we as members represent CFBPW in our letters/phone calls/emails.  If your views are dif-
                ferent than what CFBPW has agreed upon or if it is an issue that is not on our Public Policy Statement,
                you may not contact the legislator as a representative of CFBPW.

            As members we may make our personal views known as long as CFBPW is not represented or mentioned,
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