P. 21

                                        WEBMASTER REPORT

                  Please send your calendar of programs for the year (or for the upcoming month) to or Linda Wilson, 1000 E. Newmark Avenue #22, Monterey Park, CA
        91755 so that your webpage (each Club and District has a webpage on the State website) can
        be updated. Location and times of meetings should also be on your webpage so people can find
        out about your Club and District. Photographs can also be added to your webpage. Please take
        a look at the State webpage There is a great deal of information on the
        page. There is an Events page so that is used in addition to your Club’s page to publicize your
                  New or other items added to the State webpage are the following –

        1). Under “About BPW” tab and then under “Awards and Recognition” on the State
            webpage you can see the photos of the “Women of Achievement” for 2023 and the “Young
            Careerist/Young Professional for 2024.”

        2). Under the “Clubs” tab are the Districts and the Clubs. The Districts list their officers, chairs,
            meeting dates, programs and photos of previous meetings. Each Club also lists their officers,
            chairs, meeting dates, programs and photos of previous meetings. The Districts and Clubs
            need to keep this information up-to-date by sending the information to this Chair.

        3). Under the “New Members” tab are photos of eleven new members. Congratulations to
            Conejo Valley for three new members. Congratulations to Berkeley, East Los Angeles-
            Montebello and El Monte for two new members each. Congratulations to Burbank and Chico
            for one new member each. Remember to send photos of new members to this Chair.
        4). Under the “Legislation” tab is a list of bills that the CFBPW Bill Screening Committee re-
            viewed and on which they took positions during 2022-23 and an update on what happened
            with the bills. If you have any bills for the new session of the California Legislature that you
            would like considered, please send them to Rosemary Enzer
        5). Under the “Events” tab are the programs/meetings that have been reported to this Chair.

        6). Under the “Small Business” tab are training sessions and information on member’s busi-

        7). Under the “Members’ Only” tab are the latest issue of the “California Woman,” Officers and
            Chairs for 2023-24, Dues Transmittal Form, how to do a Zelle transfer, CFBPW Bylaws, Mod-
            el Club Bylaws, information on membership recruitment and various presentations that could
            be used at the Club or District level. Remember the password in CFBPW.

                 Please use the CFBPW webpage ( and submit information to this Chair
        to keep it up-to-date.
                                                                                    Linda Wilson, Webmaster
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