Page 27 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 122 - June 2024 - PDF Format
P. 27

Here’s the latest from the UN

                                               This September, world leaders will come together for
                                               the Summit of the Future at United Nations Head-
                                               quarters in New York. The gathering represents a once-in
                                               -a-generation opportunity to tackle some of the most
                                               pressing challenges facing humanity.

                                               The Summit comes at a time when the world is facing in-
                                               creasing fragmentation. Across the globe, leaders are be-
                                               ing called on to rebuild trust in multilateral institutions
                                               and reinvigorate a sense of global solidarity.

                                               From new approaches to peace, to a better digital world,
                                               to reform of the global financial system, the high-level
                                               Summit will seek to secure international consensus on
                                               how leaders deliver a better present while also putting in
                                               place the necessary framework to safeguard the future.

         The envisioned outcome of the Summit will be the Pact for the Future, which is currently be-
         ing negotiated, and expected to be endorsed by countries ahead of the Summit.
          In the lead up to the Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has stressed the
         need to identify innovative ways to address the challenges of tomorrow.
         “We can’t build a future for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents,” the Secretary-General said,
         urging leaders to be courageous in their quest to find solutions.

         “We can’t build a future for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents,”
         the Secretary-General said, urging leaders to be courageous in their quest to find solu-

         In the lead up to the Summit, UN Secretary-
         General António Guterres has stressed the need to
         identify innovative ways to address the challenges of

         “We can’t build a future for our grandchildren with a
         system built by our grandparents,” the Secretary-
         General said, urging leaders to be courageous in
         their quest to find solutions.

                                              You can stay updated on the latest developments in the
                                              lead-up to the Summit of the Future by following the UN’s
                                              page on LinkedIn and gain further insights and perspec-
                                              tives from UN Secretary-General António Guterres’
                                              LinkedIn account

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