Page 46 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022_Neat
P. 46
It would be unthinkable for us to celebrate the Centennial
of our Berkeley BPW Club without having a thought for its Found-
ing Members of 1922.
How enthusiastic those women must have been: The BPW
Federation had recently organized a huge conference in St Louis to
promote the interests of women (1919) and many ‘ladies from
Berkeley’ had heard about it.
In 1920, the idea of women voting finally became a reality
with the 19 Amendment. But it wasn’t until the Cable Act of 1922
that US-born women who had married foreign men began to be
allowed to keep their US citizenship and their right to vote.
Progressive times to start a club!
Since then a long chain of women have joined in, always
vigilant of the laws, aware of their capabilities, and looking after
each other.
We honor you BPW Members of the past, and we thank you.