Page 43 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022_Neat
P. 43


                           Random Voices


                          "Random  Voices  is  UCLA's  premier  all-female
                         a  cappella  group  with  a  mission  to  provide  a
                         creative  space  where  women  are  empowered
         to shine in their musical endeavors and use their voices to im-
         pact others within and outside of the UCLA community.

                                 They perform songs from a variety of genres
         ranging  from  classic  rock  and  indie  music  to  pop  music,  and
         use  original  arrangements  composed  by  members  of  their
                                 Random Voices has a
         plethora  of  experiences  performing  at
         both  large-scale  venues  in  the  LA  ar-
         ea, such as regional a cappella compe-
         tition ICCA and the  Women's Empow-
         erment  Expo  which  gathers  women
         leaders  from  around  the  city,  as  well
         as popular UCLA events such as Spring
         Sing  which  showcases  artistic  talent
         among its students. Its members come from a variety of edu-
         cational backgrounds such as in STEM, business and theater,
         yet they are all connected by a love and passion for music!

                                 They  are  excited  to  be  featured  at  Berkeley
         BPW's Centennial Anniversary and will be performing the song

         “Tapestry”, a mashup by Carole King.           tapestry with vp!.m4v
                                     Enjoy the show!
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