Page 39 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022_Neat
P. 39

WHAT BPW MEANS TO ME ...                                     39

                                    Mary Payne Norcross

                                    BPW  has  been  a  part  of  my  life  since
                          1982 when I was Assistant Director of the Em-
                          eryville Senior Center.  I received a Woman of
                          Achievement  plaque  from  BPW  when  I  was
                          promoted  to  Director.    A  group  of  my  BPW
                          friends spoke at my retirement party. I cher-
         ish  the  fact  that  I  am  still  a  member  thru  NIKE,  a  group  of
         past BPW presidents.■

                                    Chauvenet (Chevy) Smith
                                    I joined because I see this as an op-
                          portunity to have mentors for future business
                                I am a licensed phlebotomist currently
                          working at Cal Berkeley. I am a student at
                          Berkeley City college.■

                                   Frances Swingle
                                   I joined BPW in 1976 (I think) and the
                         NIKE Club a few years later. I was President
                         of Washington Township BPW in Fremont in
                         81/82 and was privileged to be sent by my
                         Club to the National in San Antonio as their
                                   I also have been a member of Liver-
         more, Contra Costa and Isle City as well as Berkeley.
                                       A BPW friend asked me to apply for a
         seat on the Alameda County Commission on the Status of
         Women. I was accepted and served for 10 or 12 years. Com-
         missioners volunteer to help with women and girls issues for
         the Supervisors. We investigate Domestic Violence Homes
         and recommend how funds be allotted. I have held one of-
         fice or another for these groups. Most recently as Treasurer
         for the District.■
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