Page 36 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022_Neat
P. 36

WHAT BPW MEANS TO ME ...                                      36

                                  Maria DeSousa, President

                                                     Berkeley BPW
                                    My long time BPW member friend and
                          mentor  encouraged  me  to  join  so  that  I
                          would  become  a  good  public  speaker  and
                          take  advantage  of  Individual  Development
         classes which would help me in future business endeavors.■

                                    Sujata Batra Easton, MPH

                                     I  joined  BPW  initially  inspired  by  my
                          mother’s  passion  to  create  a  world  where
                          women can put forth their greatest gifts and
                          be recognized equally for their contributions.
                          After attending international conferences and
                          mummy’s  many  picnics  over  the  years,  I
                          have  grown  to  truly  appreciate    the  dedica-
                          tion  and  mission  of  BPW  platform  and  know
         that the level of equity and inclusion that my daughter and I
         have today  is in large part attributed to the great achieve-
         ments    of  BPW.  I  am  truly  honored    to  be  a  part  of  this
         amazing group of women.■

                                      Ellora Easton
                                      Growing up motivated by independ-
                            ent  and  trail-blazing  women  as  role  mod-
                            els, and after being  introduced to BPW by
                            my grandmother and mother from a young
                            age, I joined BPW as a student member to
                            help drive forward its mission of empower-
         ing  women  around  the  world.  Following  in  the  footsteps  of
         inspiring women leaders and their great past improvements
         in  women’s  rights,  I  still  see  today  the  deep-rooted  issues
         that continue to unequally impact women of all statuses and
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