Page 34 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022_Neat
P. 34

WHAT BPW MEANS TO ME ...                                       34

                                   Manjul Batra
                                   I have been a member of Berkeley BPW
                         for  over  50  years  now.  I  was  first  introduced
                         to the organization in India by my mother who
                         was a dedicated member of BPW heself.  Since
                         I joined, BPW has been an integral part of my
                         life’s  journey  and  I  have  had  the  privilege  of
                         belonging  to  this  diverse  group  of  women
         whose  rich  experiences  and  activities  have  enhanced  my
         An  active  and  enthusiastic  participant,  I  have  held  various
         positions in the organization, including erstwhile State Presi-
         dent and International Chair for Business, Trade, & Technol-
         ogy.    BPW’s  international  conferences  opened  my  eyes  to
         pressing  women’s  issues  and  exposed  me  to  UN  agencies
         that  are  effecting  changes  in  women’s  rights  through  the
         legislative process.  As a result of the tremendous leadership
         and  learning  opportunities  I  have  had  that  have  honed  my
         skills, I have been invited to join various Non-Profit Boards
         and to partner with various organizations.  In addition, BPW
         members  have  supported  my  business  ventures,  shared  in
         my growth, and widened my horizons with their own anec-
         dotes.    I  am  grateful  for  their  friendship  and  for  the  great
         learning opportunities I have had through BPW.■

                                     Sharon Braun

                                     “I  joined  Berkeley  Business  and  Pro-
                           fessional  Women’s  Club  because  it  is  a  ra-
                           cially and culturally inclusive women’s move-
                           ment working toward unity and diversity.  A
                           national  advocacy  organization  that  focuses
                           on economic justice,   human rights, and the
         health of women.”■
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