Page 1 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 126 - November - December 2024
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Edition 126– November–December 2024
Dear members,
I am writing to you as this is my third Christmas letter as President of BPW
UK, a role I am very proud to hold.
It has been a busy year for us all, and I would like to take this opportunity to
thank the members of the BPW UK FEC and the Taskforce Chairs for the work they
have been doing on our behalf. If you are a new member in 2024, please do look at
these Working Groups and Taskforces, as they are a way of becoming more actively
involved in what we do and to meet members from around the UK, and indeed glob-
As a Federation we have had lots of great news to share. Firstly, our BPW UK
member Neelima Basnet has been elected as the First Vice-president for the United
Nations representing us on the International Executive of Business and Professional
Women. As Neelima was the International YBPW representative in a previous Trien-
nium so successfully I know she will make her mark in this role as well. I wish her all
the very best in the new job, and I know she has the support of all of us in BPW UK.
We have a wonderful new IFBPW President in Diana Barragan from Ecuador.
Madam International President Diana has previously been the Latin American Re-
gional co-ordinator on the International Executive, and with her background as a
lawyer makes an excellent choice for this role. As you would expect I have congratu-
lated her on behalf of BPW UK and invited her to the UK during her triennium. We
hope to welcome her very soon.
Next our BPW UK humanitarian project “Van for Chernihiv, Ukraine” was rec-
ognised and given an IFBPW “Power to make a difference “award under the
“Through Action” category. This was a proud moment for all of us at the Congress
Gala Dinner, and one that recognises the achievements of all involved. This project
will continue to run, and I would like to encourage you to continue supporting it and
sharing the news of the success with those around us.
It was a busy IFBPW Congress as it was our first in seven years, following the
pandemic. Much was achieved during the week, but time was against us, and so un-
finished business will follow in a virtual IFBPW Board meeting within the next six
months. The resolution that we seconded with BPW Green and sustainable taskforce
Chair Siiri has been deferred to this virtual meeting. The January 2025 Wednesday
talk will be about all things congress, and I hope to see as many of you as possible
at that virtual meeting.
The BPW UK project for the Public Speaking competition has begun its region-
al rounds, and the final will be held again at our national conference next April.