Page 15 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 103 - June 2022_Neat
P. 15
Following my trip to Iceland which was fantastic - the
Conference and the little we got to see of Iceland - I
was invited by BPW São Paulo to talk about my expe-
rience there and about Gender Equality/Gender Pay
Gap. It will be a very relaxed, unstructured chat, but
it is open to all, including non-BPW members. Howev-
er, as you probably guessed, the chat will be in Portu-
I don’t expect people to join, as well as it being in an-
other language, it will be on
Connection BPW Brazil & BPW London
*Marina Leal Freitas - former member BPW Florianopolis and Past President Lon-
don*, was at the 17th International Conference in Iceland, the theme of which was
*Equality* and comes to tell us how the Conference went and the actions on the
journey of Gender Equality’.
Connections, knowledge exchanges and important insights.
Come with us! #alwaysalwaystogether
This event is now passed .
*BPW Brazil - International Relations Committee* It took place on the
Marina Leal Freitas 7th June 2022
at 10pm UK time!
As a member led organisation it’s always interesting to hear what our members are
doing in and around their communities or wider afield. This month we have first-
hand reports from the recent events in Iceland where a number of members braved
the airports to meet their European counterparts and discuss and share ideas, rekin-
dle old friendships and make new ones.
Each newsletter is a collaborative effort made from the endeavours of:
Jackie Franklin: Editor
Monique Lee: Creative Editor
Janice Bancroft: Technical Editor
Jo Kinsey, President, has direct impact on what is published and as a team we
bring you the latest news from the UK and the wider BPW world.
To have an article published, and yes, we really do want to hear about your
meetings, events and interests please send to me, Jackie Franklin,
th by the 8 of each month.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
The Newsletter Team