Page 107 - INSPERIA-School Magazine TIGPSKON 2021.indd
P. 107

Technology in Gaming Industry

                      echnology has a huge effect on online  games.
                      gaming in recent years to the extent  Future players won’t just be watching
               Tthat many games have blurred the lines  developments taking place, but they will be able
               between reality and fantasy. Games are now  to contribute to the game’s advancements also.
               used not only for entertaining the masses but  Player generated games are about to hit the
               also for educational purposes in various fi elds.   gaming sector, leading to a new era in which
               Mobile gaming technology is considered one   game developers will outsource new content to
               of the biggest industry drivers in the current   dedicated fans. The return of user friendly map
               scenario. Gaming has experienced lots of     editors and voice actors or music composers
               changes with the advancement in technology.   are set to offer powerful creative tools, allowing
               From the development of electronic games     players to make their own gaming levels and
               to the era of Arcade Games, the gaming
               industry has made advancement beyond         then share them online. This allows them not
                                                            only to have fun but they earn a really high
               imagination.The invention of 3D graphics
               created new instruments for building realistic   amount of money. Esports is platform where
               textures, computing physical characteristics,   professional gamers are there who play and the
               and enabling in-game interactions between    team who wins gets the price. We also know that
               objects. Special effects with well-designed   the team gets sponsored by the companies. The
               realistic details now allow players to immerse  whole team also opens a YouTube channel in
               themselves in the online gaming world.       which they do live streams, upload videos and
               There are also technologies such as cloud    also earn through YouTube. They earn more
               gaming.Cloud technology is a game changer in  than 5000 dollars per month which will be
               the online gaming world. In addition to freeing  350000 rupees (approx) in India. So the gaming
               up space on computers and gaming consoles,  industry is increasing day by day which is really
               this technology has made online games more  good.
               accessible than ever. Playing a game through
               cloud-based technology enables a player to play
               the games of their interest without making a

               significant investment in computers and game                       Anshuman Sharma
               consoles. A player is able to access a given                                    Class-IX
               computer remotely and enjoy their favorite

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