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When asked to comment, a White House communications intern replied via email, “When word leaked that Ivanka Trump was the President’s first choice for the Supreme Court, the Third Lady went ballistic and all hell broke loose. I can’t disclose details, but it was
not a pretty picture. I can tell you that the President is still in love with Ivanka, but she quickly fell out of favor, after declining to take a 100% loyalty oath on the Sarah Palin Evangelical Bible when her President- Father interviewed her for the position. The President sorrowfully admitted that his hot daughter Ivanka was no longer the woman he carefully groomed for service to daddy. SO SAD!”
The tentative title of Ivanka’s book is Fury. Is is rumored that she has received a $7.5 million advance from an undisclosed major publishing house. However, she reportedly doesn’t care about the money, but is very excited about the unexpected turn in her life. She plans to move to Greenpoint in Brooklyn to focus full-time on her book. She has already purchased a flat down the street from WORD, an indie bookstore where the first volume of President Barack Obama’s memoirs, A Promised Land, is available for preorder. It is currently #1 on the National Book Bestseller list and is expected to break sales records of all time.
This story will be updated as multiple lawsuits move through the courts.