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 like he does with all of his rallies. It will start with a round of hugs and kisses with all attendees who will be packed into an outdoor plaza in Miami. Earlier today, the president was tested eleven times and his doctors assured him that he was ‘not shedding infectious virus’ so the audience doesn’t have to wear masks, social distance, bring hand sanitizer or worry about catching it.”
When asked about Biden’s town hall event, press secretary Jamal Brown responded, “Joe Biden wants Americans to know that he will do the opposite of his opponent. He will wear a mask, as will the moderator and everyone in attendance at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Mr. Biden will take questions from voters
and answer every one courteously and truthfully. Being rude is not in Mr. Biden’s nature so the prospect of foul-mouthed remarks or brutish behavior is out of the question.”
Since Trump is behind in the polls late in the election game, the
target(s) of his wrath tonight are unknown as of this writing. He may be tempted to ignore voters’ questions and fall back on his scorched-earth act, but if Trump is not concerned about a backlash, a campaign adviser should step in and perform a memory adjustment. Polls showed that Trump’s first debate did not endear him to any indecisive or independent voters. In this writer’s judgment, the best outcome for the president would be if he relentlessly interrupted himself.
This story will be updated if more intelligence becomes available.

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