Page 15 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 15

garrulous /gah-RULE-us/ adj. of or relating to the dictation of executive orders using a plethora of needless words and rules.
gasbag /GAS-bag/ n. an orange-faced male, having no ixed shape, who talks excessively about boastful drivel. Syn. windbag.
gaslight /GAS-lite/ v. to psychologically manipulate voters, inducing them to question their perceptions or sanity; also to expel trapped oriice gas with the latest medical breakthrough – ultraviolet light.
genius /JĒĒN-ēē-us/ n. a very stable person whose estimated IQ of 156 was extrapolated from his Wharton SAT score, actually earned by a highly paid proxy and direct descendent of Albert Einstein. See photo.

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