Page 16 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 16
halfwit /HALF-wit/ n. a person who has only half
of one wit; dunce, dolt, dunderhead, dullard, dimwit, dope, dim, dumb, donkey, dork, drip, dumdum, dumbbell, Donald.
hambergers /ham-BIRD-erz/ n. thousands of ham-handed tweets by current occupant of the Dark House; also Donald’s favorite meal.
hotel /HŌE-tell/ n. a lodging establishment in Moscow that provides sextras for the entertainment of American real estate mongrels.
hydroxyapatite /hī-DROXY-app-eh-tīght/ n. after hydroxychloroquine, the second most efective chemical exfoliant and cure for people who have an appetite
for Covid-45.