Page 18 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 18

joke /JŌAK/ n. word or phrase spoken or tweeted by Donald to provoke ridicule or scorn, such as “the Postal Service is a joke,” or when he urged Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s private server and emails.
journalist /JA-URINAL-ist/ n. reporter, writer, stringer, correspondent, commentator or columnist who provides fact-based news stories and opinion pieces for print and broadcast media, contrary to the liquid that emanates from toilet-brain Donald.
judiciary /ju-DISH-ēē-airy/ n. system of courts of law for the administration of justice, which was occupied by a womanizer and beer guzzler on 6 October 2018.
junkets /JUNG-kits/ n. Carl Jung-sponsored trips a.k.a. ego-pacifying golf outings taken by Donald at immense taxpayer expense.

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