Page 20 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 20

lawmaker /law-MARKER/ n. felt tip pen Donald uses to sign his name and deface government documents, such as National Weather Service maps.
leftist /LEFT-ist/ n. member of the political left or person supportive of equality, fraternity, human rights, progress, reform, internationalism. Ant. Donald.
leverage /LEVER-edge/ n. a means of seeking a favor for a pile of dough in return. See Ukraine, quid pro quo.
liability /LĪE-a-bill-eh-tēē/ n. the skill, ability and state of being an incessant liar.
loser /LOO-zer/ n. person who loses or has lost something, as one’s mind, money, power and respect; also known as dumb f--k, idiot, dick head, dumb ass, Donald.

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