Page 22 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 22

nabob /na-BOB/ n. a very wealthy, inluential, powerful person such as George Soros, Barack Obama, Jef Bezos, Tom Steyer, Meg Whitman, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Bufet, all of whom stile a snicker at the mention of Donald Goonbob.
Namibia /NAM-bēē-ah/ n. a country on the west coast of Africa infested with killer bees that are known to chase visiting fake presidents for more than a quarter mile.
Nicaragua /nick-car-AGUA/ n. a country in Latin America with Spanish water on two sides and lots of cars made by American expatriates who “couldn’t take it anymore.”
nookie /NOOK-ēē/ n. something Donald dreams about every night while cowering in his closet.

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