Page 19 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 19

kazillions /ka-ZILL-yons/ n. amount of assets claimed by Donald whose taxes are said to remain under audit until forever. See We’ll see.
kindergartner /kin-der-GUARD-ner/ n. anklebiter, brat, man-child, puerile delinquent and punk president who must be watched at all times.
klutz /KLUTS/ n. a clumsy clown who needs two hands to take a sip of water from a glass.
kowtow /COW-tow/ v. to show servile lattery and deference to Donald by chicken-hearted House and Senate Republicons who long ago abandoned their oath of oice.
kale /kāyl/ n. inactive person with a wrinkled face and a compact, empty head; also slang for “money” as in “Donald is a certiiable kale loser.”

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