Page 17 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 17
ICE offices /EYEZ-of-eh-SIS/ n. a fortiied igloo complex in a covert Arctic location where ICE agents and their sisters are transferred to receive People Terriied of Seeing Donald (PTSD) treatment.
impeachment /im-PREACH-ment/ n. a charge of misconduct made against a windbag or blabbermouth who blatantly violates bible-holding etiquette.
impenetrability /im-pen-a-tra-ABILITY/ n. person who lacks all comprehension ability, because his skull is too thick to grasp words easily mastered by kindergartners.
impunity /im-PYOON-eh-tēē/ n. a simple, foolish, puny person who decrees that he is forever-and-ever exempt from lampoonity, punishment or recrimination.