Page 7 - The Donald Dictionary_2
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  in spite of the fact that its size is quite small by dictionary standards. But then, so are his hands. When asked why Donald’s vocabulary is so limited, Dark House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnema responded with this email:
“Sandra whoever-you-are, you are double-dead wrong.
The President has a very large vocabulary, larger than any other president in history. He uses words from A to Z, and most of them have several syllables, making them very diicult to write and pronounce by the FAKE NEWS media. The President’s words relect his brand — imprevious, absalute, tireanus, monocrowmadick and doctorair. I should not have to tell you that the President is a super genus.”*
This is the irst edition of DEAD. Updates and revisions
will be undertaken at regular intervals until 20 January 2021, when Americans still alive will no longer be forced to decipher Donald words.
*McEnema reportedly copies Donald word for word. Corrections: impervious, absolute, tyrannous, monocratic, doctrinaire, genius.

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