Page 8 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 8
anarchist /ANN-are-kist/ n. a sensible woman named Ann who believes in the abolition of a deplorable president who exerts maximum authority and rebels against laws of any sort.
anonymous /a-non-ō-MESS/ adj. of or related to using anger, aggression, belligerence, conceit, fear, hate, greed, machismo, abuse, hostility and nastiness by president What’s-His-Name.
applicable /app-LICK-ah-bull/ adj. applying or capable of being applied to a group of political suck-ups or bootlickers. See Republicons.
authoritarianism /author-eh-TARRY-ism/ n. a way of governing that lingers on blind obedience to authority concentrated in Donald and his quislings.