Page 9 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 9
bad /baaad/ adj. a favorite Donald word that describes ad nauseam, hombres, reporters, scientists, Democrats, protesters, immigrants, Muslims, women, African Americans, POWs, the media, Mexicans, the disabled, political opponents, etceteras.
beneficiaries /ben-ēē-FISHERS/ n. political PACs that impersonate reputable people in an attempt to gain advantage, leverage or inluence by phishing.
bipartisan /BYE-PART-eh-san/ adj. of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political entities that are divided most of the time; abolished by executive order on 21 January 2017.
brain /BRĀY-n/ n. Republicon cranium with an ininite number of empty spaces and strings, exempliied by a loud, harsh, repetitive “NAY” when Congress is in session.