Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1903
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1902
Hamid, Los Angeles jid. Every time I tried to change
The day Majid told me he fell in the subject to tell him the truth, he
talked about his love for Parisa.
love with Parisa! He said that Parisa could light
up his dark world and that they
would have children together in
It was me who had felt the heat the future. Meanwhile, Majid took
of love when I had held her Parisa twice to a restaurant for din-
hand in the dark of the cin- ner. Parisa would talk to me sadly
ema. Now It was Majid who telling me about the intensity of
had fallen in love with her. Majid's love.
ajid and I were twin I did not sleep that night. Unaware of everything, under the
brothers. Unfortu- Thousands of thoughts influence of Majid's hopeful words
Mnately, Majid had passed through my head. and newly gained energy and the
some kind of disability and What should I do? I asked fact that Parisa treated him kindly,
this bothered me since I was a myself. Should I tell Ma- my parents went to Parisa's family
child. I did everything I could jid the truth? Should I home to propose; That is exactly
to make him happy. He under- stop them from meeting when Majid had earned the most
stood very well how much I sac- each other? How can I income in his business. Parisa's
rificed for him and gave up most erase Parisa's love from family was shocked and did not
of my rights so that Majid would Majid's mind? know what to do. Since the match-
not suffer. After two weeks, Ma- making session ended without re-
During school, I was Majid's jid, who was also a sults, Majid committed suicide that
bodyguard. No one dared to speak good cook, told me night. We took him to the hospital.
badly to him. Indeed, no one would that we should invite Fortunately, he was saved; One of
do such a thing. Everyone was Parisa so that she the reasons was that Parisa came to
careful about him, even the school could taste his cook- visit him with a basket of flowers.
teachers were paying much atten- ing. He said he might We were all left wondering what to
tion to him, giving him points as make her love him do when Parisa started to speak. "I
much as possible. I often got into com- in this way. I was very confused. love you and I know how impor-
bloody fights because of a class- puter graphics and learn- I told him that I would inform tant Majid is to you, so I'm ready
Parisa. As soon as I saw Parisa, I
mate's teasing or taunting. Many ing about new technologies at revealed the story of my brother's to marry him." She said. "It doesn't
times my parents received letters home. I entered the university and love to her. Parisa was very sur- matter what happens. At least I
know by doing this, I'll make both
from the school warning that if I tried to tell him everything about prised. "But I like you." She said. Majid and you happy."
did not calm down and stop fight- my studies every day. Then, I got "Majid needs attention," I said. At that moment, I could not say
into a relationship with one of the
ing, they would expel me. For Ma- Iranian students. I was ready to ad- "Just treat him kindly. "I gradually anything. The marriage process
jid, I was ready to be expelled from mit that I was really in love with explain to him that we like each went so fast. In the blink of an eye,
school so he would not be harmed. Parisa, but we hadn't talked about other." the wedding party was held and
Before entering high school, we it yet. One day, I brought Parisa Parisa came to our house, ate Ma- the bride and groom were sent to
moved to the USA with family. home and introduced her to every- jid's delicious food, and praised Las Vegas; While both Parisa and
We stayed in Arizona for a while one as my classmate. The whole his cooking. While saying good- I were crying inside.
and then moved to Los Angeles. family welcomed her. Because of bye, she hugged him and kissed It was around 3:00 in the morning
In the American high school, we the information I had previously his forehead. Majid hugged him when Parisa called. She had bad
faced new problems, but within given to Parisa about Majid, she tightly, then gave her an envelope news; Majid had a stroke and was
six months, I behaved so that even paid a lot of attention to him, chat- and told her to open it when she hospitalized. We all rushed to the
the bullies would be careful about ting and joking. When she left, I got home. hospital. I went to Majid's bedside.
Majid. I also worked day and night saw signs of love in my brother's An hour later Parisa called. She I felt that it was his last moments.
to ensure that Majid did not fail gloomy eyes. Before I could say said that Majid wrote the most ro- He took my hand and put it in
in any class and that he would go anything, Majid spoke up. "I have mantic letter to her, emphasizing at Parisa's. "I entrust this girl to you."
along with me. In the same years, fallen in love with your classmate, the end that he would die without He said. "Love Parisa as much as
we had a few girlfriends. Because Hamid." He said. "I know she's her because for the first time in his you loved me."
of my recommendation, the girls not interested in me because of my life, he understood the meaning of At 5 am, Majid passed away while
cared about Majid and showed him disability, but I've fallen in love love and he was not ready to lose sleeping in Parisa's arms. His face
love and attention. After finishing with her anyway." this heartwarming feeling. was filled with such happiness and
high school, Majid was no longer I froze in surprise. It was me who I was so confused. Parisa too. We satisfaction that I had never seen
interested in continuing his educa- loved Parisa. It was me who had talked several times and both of us before that day.
tion and was satisfied with doing made plans for the future with her. agreed to explain the truth to Ma- Translation: Massi Zokaei