Page 77 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1910
P. 77

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1910
                                                                          Fahimeh, Northern California
                                                                 My husband took my children

                                                                                  an absentee divorce and rebuild my   My kind lawyer told them my story
                                                                                  life. I had no answer for them. They   in such a way that they all started cry-
                                                                                  did not understand my situation.   ing. Two weeks later, they gave me
                                                                                  I thought of a solution. I decided to   a 6-month visa. But I didn't know
                                                                                  learn  English  and  went  to  sewing   where to look for my children. I
                                                                                  and hairdressing classes. I looked for   only had a PO Box address in San
                                                                                  anything that could generate income   Francisco.  After much searching,
                                                                                  for me in the future. I dreamed of my   I found one of my  mother's distant
                                                                                  children every night for two years.  relatives in San Francisco. I called
                                                                                  One night, around 2 am, the phone   her and asked her for help. She told
                                                                                  rang. I heard Shabnam, my daughter's   me she could help me when I got to
               From the first days I mar-                                         voice on the line. "Where are you, my   the country. Finally, one evening, I ar-
               ried Hamid, I noticed his quick                                    dear?" I shouted, "Are you back?"  rived in San Francisco and my moth-
               temper and stubbornness in                                         "We are in the US." She said.     er's relative met me at the airport.
               some situations. I said to my-                                     A woman said to Shabnam in Eng-   It took me a week to search every-
               self that we would probably get                                    lish, tell your mom what you want!  where. With the help of an American
               to know each other better over                                     "Mom, can you please mail me my   friend of my classmate who gave me
               time and  I would  gradually  make                                 dolls?" My daughter said. "Will you   information about some women's
               him realize his fault. But unfortu-                         chil-   send me and Behrouz's photos?"   support organizations, I finally met
               nately, not only did I not succeed,         dren abroad with me. I   My eyes filled with tears. "Of   some women who were ready to
               but his  behavior worsened  daily.  have sold my two flats at a low price and   course dear, I'll send them to you.   help. They took me to the prosecu-
               We had two children; A boy and a girl   transferred all my savings here. Now   Don't you want to come back?"  tor and told her my life story in de-
               who were as sweet as two angels. Our   go after your divorce! You'll leave this   "What does your mom say?"   tail. In the same way, I managed to
               life was filled with energy and hope   world without seeing your children."  That woman asked my daughter.  find my children's address. I went to
               because of them. But even then, Ha-  I passed out right there. Everyone   "She  says  she'll  send  them all  next   Hamid's apartment with those kind
               mid was looking for an excuse to ar-  surrounded me and I told them what   week."  My  daughter  answered  her.  women. But no one was there.  We
               gue with me and humiliatingly insult   I had heard. Everyone told me not to   Then the woman said, tell her I   talked to the neighbors. "This cou-
               me. Unfortunately, after the birth of   be afraid. They said Hamid was bluff-  will  WhatsApp her the address.  ple  has been living here  for a  few
               my children, I no longer could escape   ing. They asked how could he sell the   "Mommy, save us please," Shab-  years." one of them said. "We always
                                                                                  nam said to me. "This woman
               from that relationship and as my moth-  apartments so quickly, get a passport,   and my dad keep beating us."  hear children crying and begging.
               er said, I had to live and deal with it.  and flee the country with the children.  "Why?"Ishouted, "Where is your dad?"  We even informed the police once.
               One night when Hamid got on       The next morning, we visited the   The woman asked my daughter in Eng-  The children said they were play-
               my nerves and compared my         apartments. He had indeed sold   lish, why did your mother get angry?  ing. But their eyes were full of fear."
               new hair color to that of pros-   them. My brother checked Hamid's   "She asked me if I wanted to go back,"   We reported the matter to the local
               titutes,  I  lost  my  patience.  bank  account  through  a  friend  who   Shabnam answered her. “I told her   prosecutor. Two days later, we went
               "I can't stand it anymore," I said. "I'll talk   worked in the bank and found out   no. I said we are comfortable here."  to Hamid and that woman's house
               to my father to arrange our divorce."  that he had taken everything out of   Then, the call was immediately dis-  along with two officers. It was around
               Hamid slapped me in the face hard   the country. Hamid had acted dis-  connected.  What a terrible night it   11 in the morning when we rang the
               and threw me into a corner, which re-  honestly and had taken a bad re-  was. I cried until the next morning   doorbell. A woman opened the door.
               sulted in my forehead and face being   venge on me because of just one sen-  and begged God to help my children.   "What do you want?" she asked
               injured. Then, we went to the hospi-  tence in the middle of the argument.  The next day, I lost all patience. I did   confused.
               tal and even the police got involved.  I went to the court. They said I should   everything I could and asked every-  "I have come to see my kids," I
               Hamid went to Isfahan under the pre-  get a lawyer, find a trace of Hamid,   one I knew, how can I go to the US.   answered.
               text of visiting his mother, and I told   and prove that he did all this for re-  They said that I am not  allowed to   She closed the door. "Talk to my law-
               myself that I could calm down a bit.   venge. I told them I didn't have that   leave because I have not divorced! In   yer," she said from behind the door.
               But two weeks passed and there was   ability. They said that I should wait   addition, getting a USA visa was al-  But the officers did not give up. They
               no news of him or the children. I got   until it is clear where Hamid went   most impossible. Two months later, I   knocked on the door and I called
               worried and called Hamid's mother.   and whether he intends to stay.   found someone who made it possible   my children. Suddenly, my daugh-
               She said they had never visited her and   I realized that no one would help me.   for me to go to Georgia with a plane   ter's scream was heard. "Save us,
               that Hamid's mobile phone was off.   We told you from the first day that   ticket and an exit slip. I had chosen   Mommy." She shouted in English.
               My  concern  became  much  more   this man is a fraud and has no hon-  that country because one of my school   The officers went inside the house
               than before. I called all the fam-  esty, my family would say. But no   friends lived there with her husband.  and took out my children who had
               ily  members  and  friends.  No  one   matter how hard I thought, I didn't   They met me at the airport.  That   bruises on their faces and bodies.
               heard about them.  Their disappear-  remember someone telling me these   night, we talked and cried until morn-  They  fell into my arms  like two
               ance lasted a month and a half.   words on those days! I knew well   ing. The next day, they consulted a   wounded baby birds. The police ar-
               One night, while I was worriedly sit-  that they make such claims to avoid   lawyer from Georgia.  These days,   rested Hamid and the woman and
               ting in front of the  TV  watching a   responsibility. But as a mother, I   Iranian women have stood up to get   took them away in handcuffs. In
               movie about a suffering mother, the   could not rest. My sisters told me   their rights, and it is possible to get a   the end, my wish came true. Now
               phone rang. It was Hamid. "I punished   that I am still young and have many   visa much faster than before, He said.  my children were in my arms.
               you good." He said. "I've brought the   suitors. They said it is better to get   The next week we applied for a visa.
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